Hotel Zugspitze


Hotelrooms 48

Price Hotel Room from 85 €*

Hotel Zugspitze - in the heart of Garmisch Partenkirchen

You will experience with us an atmosphere of comfort, which we have created for you with heart and friendliness.

Immerse yourself in a unique natural area where a gigantic mountain scenery, meet crystal clear lakes and pristine forests with variety of sports and leisure activities, international cultural activities and a lot of tradition.

In this fascinating holiday world we await you with the warmest and most natural employees who are there for you personally and your well-being.

82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Klammstrasse 19
Telefon: +49 8821 9010
Telefax: +49 8821 901333

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* For any price fluctuations [+ -] of the room rates we can not guarantee. The daily updated prices are available directly at the hotel.